Xmas Stocking - Osanori Yamamoto - Pelikan Puzzles

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Xmas Stocking

Produced by: Pelikan Puzzles

Designer: Osanori Yamamoto

A Festive Challenge

Introducing the Xmas Stocking puzzle, a delightful creation by Osanori Yamamoto and produced by Pelikan Puzzles. This charming puzzle measures approximately 1.93" x 1.38" x 2.40" and is crafted from beautiful Padauk, Purpleheart, and Limba woods. Perfect for the holiday season, it makes a great gift for yourself or the puzzler in your life.

Goal: Fit all the pieces into the stocking.

Level: Advanced (requires careful planning and rotational moves)

Kevin Sadler's Review:

"An odd time of the year to have this one brought out but delightful nonetheless. I would suggest that you all buy this as either a belated Christmas present to yourselves or as an advance one for December for the significant other puzzler in your life. Hopefully you can stash it away for long enough and still remember where you put it. It is a rather pocketable size – perfect for your own Xmas stocking. As delivered there are 3 little feet inside the stocking already and 2 outside. Time to work out how to get them all inside. Like many of Osanori-san’s creations, there will need to be rotational moves but the box has very tight tolerances and the pieces can only rotate in certain ways (even with the box empty). Add in a few of the feet then the restriction gets significantly worse. As usual, I would suggest that you work this one in reverse – find out how they can be packed and then see if that packing is removable. This approach gives a couple of great Aha! moments again to help you on your way but even then, more thinking© is required. Gravity may be helpful to you at times and less helpful at other times – there is very little room inside for poking a finger in. Planning is everything with this one!"


  • Dimensions: Approximately 1.93" x 1.38" x 2.40"
  • Materials: Padauk, Purpleheart, Limba
  • Design: Compact and festive, perfect for holiday gifting

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